Sunday, January 4, 2009

More hospital time....

Just a quick note... we took Kaden in to emergency this morning at around 6:30am. He has been admitted and is back in PSCU. Tonight he was playful and cute as usual. He had a fever of 39.5 so when it gets that high they worry about meningitis so they did a few tests. Everything has come back okay just some elevated white blood cells. Could be a virus. He is on antibiotics and we will see as the cultures come back what they tell us!

Going to go to bed now as we have been up since 5am and I have been at the hospital since 9am .....I will write more details tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you are lacking sleep AGAIN.........glad to hear that it may only be a virus. I am full of positive thoughts and well wishes that he gets home soon. Lets just remain hopeful Candace.....
